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Ethiopian -Surgical Outcome Study (ETHIO-SOS)
We are excited to invite you to become an investigator for the Ethio-SOS study, the Ethiopian Surgical Outcome Study. This prospective multi-center collaborative observational study aims to determine the 30-day mortality, and morbidity after surgical intervention in Ethiopia. As a, you will investigator you will play a crucial role in ensuring the success of the study and contributing to the improvement of surgical practices and outcomes in Ethiopia.
We are looking for enthusiastic and committed investigators who have experience in conducting clinical research and managing research sites. As a site lead, you will be responsible for recruiting and training local team, overseeing data collection and management, and ensuring compliance with ethical and regulatory requirements. You will also work closely with the study coordinating center to ensure timely and accurate data submission and participate in study-related meetings and activities.
Your involvement in the Ethio-SOS study will not only contribute to the advancement of surgical research in Ethiopia but also provide an opportunity to collaborate with a team of experts from various institutions and disciplines. You will also gain valuable experience in clinical research and leadership skills that will benefit your career development.
Your contributions and collaboration will be acknowledged, and your name will be listed as a co-author on the publications resulting from this study. We welcome your questions and suggestions and encourage you to register below to become a site lead investigator for the Ethio-SOS study.
Let’s work together to make a difference in surgical outcomes in Ethiopia!
Dr Atalel Fantahun (email: fentahunatalel27@gmail.com. Tel: +251 92 083 6988